Rainforests are the most biodiverse places on our planet and are home to the planet’s largest collection of plants, animals, and insects. Countless more species have yet to be documented by science, but rainforests are being degraded and destroyed at an alarming rate and time is running out. Unfortunately, we aren’t able to assess the full biodiversity of rainforests with current technology. 

Join Skysource’s David Hertz on February 18 and 19 for a two-day virtual event hosted by XPRIZE, with some of the world’s leading experts and practitioners in the domains of biodiversity, conservation, policy, technology, and empowerment of Indigenous Peoples and local communities as they discuss key challenges confronting rainforests globally, and innovative opportunities to overcome them. 

Day 1 is open to the public. The second day of the Summit is a private event for XPRIZE Rainforest Registered and Pre-Registered teams only through our Prize Operations Platform (POP). If you would like to participate in Day 2 at no cost to you, please register at pop.xprize.org by February 11th. Find out more and register for both days of the Summit here.

The $10 Million XPRIZE Rainforest is a global, five-year competition challenging innovators to develop novel technologies to rapidly and comprehensively survey rainforest biodiversity and use data to deliver new insights that promote the health and conservation of this vital ecosystem. 
